java - Graphics in an ArrayList -

i trying create code prints 10 random graphics (oval,rectangle etc). i'm hopping adding random ovals etc in arraylist , let java randomly pick shape 10 times arraylist , print these picked items.

now have no idea if possible , how go this.

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*;  public class cara extends jpanel implements actionlistener {     random random = new random();     //...s      public cara() {         setpreferredsize(new dimension(400,300)); // make panel 400 300 pixels.         // ...          this.setbackground(color.white);     }      protected class randomshapescomponent extends jcomponent{     @override      protected void paintcomponent(graphics g) {           super.paintcomponent(g);     // clears background         // ...     }     }      /**      * redraws cara jpanel, when button pressed. *      */     @override     public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {         regenerate();         repaint();     }      private void regenerate() {         // clear shapes list         //...          // create random shapes          // ...      }       public static void main(string[] arg) {         final cara cara = new cara();             // create gui on event thread.         // better          swingutilities.invokelater(new runnable() {             @override             public void run() {                 final jframe frame = new jframe("computer assisted random artist");                 frame.add(cara,;                 jbutton button = new jbutton("redraw");                 button.addactionlistener(cara);                 frame.add(button, borderlayout.south);                 frame.pack();                 cara.regenerate(); // can done here if cara has size!                 frame.setvisible(true);                             }         });     } } 

and below way me draw triangle (this 1 of shapes put array , randomly picked):

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*;  public class tri extends cara{  public void paintcomponent (graphics g){ // create random variables collor , shape of triangle int x; int y; int x2; int y2;  x = (int) math.random()*100; y = (int) math.random()*100; x2 = (int) math.random()*100;  y2 = (int) math.random()*100;  int r1; int g1; int b1; r1 = (int) math.random()*255; g1 = (int) math.random()*255; b1 = (int) math.random()*255;  color color = new color(r1,g1,b1);  //draw triangle   g.setcolor(color);  g.drawline(x,y,y2,y);  g.setcolor(color);  g.drawline(x,y,y2,y2);  g.setcolor(color);  g.drawline(y2,y,y2,y2);   }    } 

this possible. here's idea:

  • have abstract base class called "shape" , has method called "draw()" has parameter graphics context
  • have subclasses of shape triangle, circle, etc , fill in each's draw() method accordingly
  • have arraylist instance variable in fruitpanel
  • in fruitpanel constructor initialize arraylist 10 shape subclass objects
  • from paintcomponent() method in fruitpanel call draw(g) on each of things in arraylist

you can figure out randomization , such yourself... basic structure. luck!


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