html - What code should I write for the reverse $(window).scroll function in jquery for scrolling upwards? -

i find code window scroll function , appended code, working great when scrolling down i.e. have image fading out while scrolling down, when scroll again, image absent because of previous effect.

so plz me this.

html part:-

<div id="blog"> <img src="trans_blog.png">//i want image fade in , out. </div> 

jquery part:-

$(document).ready(function(){     $("#blog img").fadein(2000);     $(window).scroll(function(){     $("#blog img").fadeout("slow");     }); }); 

this code should trick. fadeout element goes out of view, , fadein comes back

$(window).scroll( function(){     $('#blog img').each( function(i){         var top_of_window = $(window).scrolltop();         var this_bottom = $(this).position().top + $(this).height();         if(top_of_window > this_bottom){             $(this).fadeout();             } else {                 $(this).fadein();                 }      });  


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