java - Conditioning a String -

quick question. i'm wondering how can make run when number 2-23 entered user.

         bufferedreader in;          int x;          string playerx;           //user input number of players          in = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(;          system.out.println("\nwelcome casino!");          system.out.println("how many players playing? (2-23)");          //string number of players          playerx = in.readline();           //convert players integer          x = integer.valueof(playerx).intvalue();            //condition player x number of players between 2 , 23          if(playerx.compareto("1")==0 && playerx.compareto("24")==0) {             system.out.println("\nsorry, there either not enough players or not enough cards option.");         }else {  


  if( x< 2 ||  x >  23) {             system.out.println("\nsorry, there either not enough players or not enough cards option.");    }else {  


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