phpMyAdmin - Status Monitor - System Resources not updating -

i have upgraded phpmyadmin 3.3x 4.0.7. working great - except nifty status --> monitor --> system resource charts. database charts working fine. i've checked online resources , can't find reference configuration parameter or specific permissions need changed in order enable these.

any ideas on how enable "system cpu usage", "system memory", , "system swap" monitor charts?

os: centos 6.4 | php: 5.3.27 | database: mariadb 5.5.32 | phpmyadmin: 4.0.7

fixed! tyron's script revealed problem: error message thrown when attempting access /proc/meminfo , /proc/stat files via script (and phpmyadmin)

open_basedir restriction in effect. file(/proc/meminfo) not within allowed path 

with clue, able tweak account's php.ini settings (this cpanel server, used php open_basedir tweak) , voila! data available. thank you!


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