java - how to change letter to number -

actually beginner in java

i want know how print program show me word letter in same time

for example

i love = 1 l0v3

winter coming = w1nt3r 1s c0m1ng

this have change (a = 4, e = 3, = 1, o = 0,)

import java.util.scaneer;  public class question2 {  public static void main(string[]args) {    scaneer keyb = new scanner(;   system.out.println("enter string :");    int   string letter = = 4, e = 3, = 1, o = 0; 

there's method string.replaceall(string regex,string replacement) want.

example usage:

string word = "winter"; word = word.replaceall("i","1"); system.out.println(word); //outputs 'w1nter'. 

keep in mind case-sensitive (so replacing doesn't replace a).

things made more efficient using better regular expressions , caching regular expression too, won't go deep you're beginner. feel free google "java cache regex".


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