Generate PDF using jquery ajax -

i working phalcon php framework. want send data displayed in div tag(it result of search)to controller function, , controller generate pdf file. but, pdf file not generating. here view:

       var imenica = "ja se zovem nedim omerbegovic";        $.ajax({         url: '<?php echo  $this->url->get("test/creatingpdf");?>',         type: 'post',         datatype: '',         data: {imenica:imenica},         success: function(data){             alert(data);             } ,             error: function(){                 alert("greska");             }      });       }); 

and here code controller:

    public function creatingpdfaction(){     $this->view->disable();     $string =$_post['imenica'];     $this->view->setvars(array('ime'=>$string));            $loader = new \phalcon\loader();     $loader->registerclasses(      array(     "mpdf"=> "c:/wamp/www/phalcon1/mpdf/mpdf.php"  )  );       $loader->register();     //$string = "ja se zovem nedim omerbegovic";     $view = new \phalcon\mvc\view();     $view->setviewsdir('../app/views/');     $cont = $this->view->getrender('test', 'creatingpdf');     //generisanje pdf dokumenta     $pdf = new mpdf();     $pdf->writehtml($cont, 2);     $br = rand(0,100000);     $ispis = "pobjeda rudet-izvjestaj-".$br;     $pdf->output($ispis, 'i');   } 

how can see generated pdf file in way of warking

look @ tcpdf @ pdf library works phalcon. while not phalcon specific question (since phalcon doesn't have native pdf library), can integrate in phalcon. if wanted that, register tcpdf library service phalcon , include library in autoloader other service.


$di->set('tcpdf', function() {     $tcpdf = new tcpdf();      return $tcpdf; }); 

which make library accessible by


in object extends core phalcon functionality or




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