c - Can't find gcc compiler -

i running fedora 19 via vmware , want compile , run, simple c program. however, after running which gcc get:

/usr/bin/which: no gcc in (/home/demetres/codesourcery/sourcery_codebench_lite_for_arm_gnu_linux/bin:/home/demetres/codesourcery/sourcery_codebench_lite_for_arm_gnu_linux/bin_cache:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/demetres/.local/bin:/home/demetres/bin) 

it hasn't been long time, since installed sourcery codebench lite, arm cross-compiler, project i'm working on. there problem cross-compiler? othewise, required compile , run program?

p.s. specific program not intended arm platform.

try yum install gcc reinstalling.


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