jquery - validate form on MVC4 but avoid submit -

i have set of fields on view on aplication, need validate fields before refreshing jqgrid, need prevent submit functiuon post server, need form validate fields , call jquery funcition. dont know how it.

until have somthing like:

@using (html.beginform()) {    @html.antiforgerytoken()    @html.validationsummary(true)     @html.hiddenfor(m => m.scheduledidpersonaseleccionada)    @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.scheduledidpersonaseleccionada)     <button type="submit" class="btntexto" id="buscarporpersona">          <img src="~/images/icons/search.png" />          <span>@html.raw(res_string.buscarturnos)</span>    </button> } 

and jquery function called reloadgrid(), need when press button validation cheks fields (1 on example) if ok call reloadgrid() function, validation not working

pd jquery validation libraries loaded ok

there 3 ways use. first use @rosdi's code , add validation event

if($('#scheduledidpersonaseleccionada').val() == ""){     alert('something'); } 

you can use ajax call server , send fields want validate

$.ajax({     type: "post",     url: "@(url.action("action", "controller"))",     data: { data: 'data', data1: 'data1'},     contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",     datatype: "json",     success: function (result) {         if(result.success){          }else{          }     } }); 

you mentioned avoiding submit use that. put attribute on field

[required] public string scheduledidpersonaseleccionada { get; set; } 

and in controller check model state

if(modelstate.isvalid){  }else{     return view(model); } 

the third way easiest since sends model , checking done attributes have sent. helps.


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