ruby - Alternative to rspec double that does not fail test even if allow receive is not specified for a function -

many times 1 outcome may have 2 different consequences need tested test double. example if network connection successful i'd log message, , pass resource object store internally. on other hand feels unclean put these 2 in 1 test. example code fails:

describe someclass   let(:logger) { double('logger') }   let(:registry) { double('registry') }   let(:cut) { }   let(:player) { }    describe "#connect"     context "connection successful"       "should log info"         logger.should_receive(:info).with('player connected successfully')         cut.connect player       end        "should register player"         registry.should_receive(:register).with(player)         cut.connect player       end        end   end end        

i specify in each test function in other 1 might called, looks unnecessary duplication. in case i'd rather make 1 test.

i don't it's never explicit in test method should not called.

does know alternative has explicit 'should_not_receive' message instead of automatically rejecting calls not explicitly specified?

rspec supports should_not_receive, equivalent should_receive(...).exactly(0).times discussed in this message original author of rspec.


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