c# - How do I keep a text file under maximum size limit? -

this question has answer here:

each time main program runs, writes around 6 lines (around 50 characters in total) log file.

how can keep file growing endlessly? i'd keep file under 2mb new text being added end of file , text @ beginning of file being removed.

fileinfo txtfile = new fileinfo(nameoffile); if (txtfile.length > (2 * 1024 * 1024))       // ## note: 2mb max file size {     var lines = file.readalllines(nameoffile).skip(10).toarray();  // ## set 10 lines     file.writealllines(nameoffile, lines); } 

the above piece of code run if file on 2mb (size, not size on disk). remove first 10 lines file , write remaining lines file.

i have managed work how need small piece of code , thought share here reduce people asking same question. people same issue.

i have not found issues process solution yet, please feel free add comments if incorrect.


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