javascript - Stage not updating with window.onresize in TypeScript ( -

i have renderer class draws html5 canvas , want redraw stuff when window resized. problem update() code executes once - inside initialize() - , resizing window doesn't anything. on hand onwindowresized() executes every time window resized. so, mistake?

/// <reference path="../lib/easeljs.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../lib/tweenjs.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../lib/soundjs.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../lib/preloadjs.d.ts" />  class renderer {     private mstage:createjs.stage;     private mshape:createjs.shape;      public initialize (stage:createjs.stage):void     {         this.mstage = stage;         this.mstage.autoclear = true;         this.update ();          window.onresize = this.onwindowresized;     }      public update ():void     {         if (this.mstage)         {             this.mstage.canvas.width = window.innerwidth;             this.mstage.canvas.height = window.innerheight;              this.mshape = new createjs.shape();   "#dddddd");   , 0, this.mstage.canvas.width, this.mstage.canvas.height);   "#ff4400");    / 2, this.mstage.canvas.height / 2, 25);              this.mstage.addchild(this.mshape);             this.mstage.update();         }     }      private onwindowresized (event:uievent):void     {         this.update();     } } 

the issue have here when event executes, in context of event (window resize, dom element click, mouse overs etc), not class - this not handle on class.

you can solve using...

window.onresize = this.onwindowresized.bind(this); 

this 1 instance bind more graceful fat-arrow syntax.


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