Delphi, Editor for Button, preserve default click in IDE -

xe3 prof, win64.

i created new button component, based on tbutton.

it have special menu in ide, named "set button style".

procedure register; begin     registercomponents('scomps', [tsabutton]);     registercomponenteditor(tsabutton, tsabuttoneditor); end;  procedure tsabuttoneditor.executeverb(index: integer); begin     set_style(tsabutton(component)); end;  function tsabuttoneditor.getverb(index: integer): string; begin     result := 'set button style'; end;  function tsabuttoneditor.getverbcount: integer; begin     result := 1; end; 

the button's have special click in ide - double click on component generates onclick in code.

after installed editor menu, capability lost, because ide calls function, , not original (the default code generating).

how can restore capability in button preserving menu too?

thanks every info!


i guess editor inherited tcomponenteditor ? if , need call default edit function in order generates onclick event of component inside editor executeverb function . note : edit function empty in tcomponenteditor class .. need use idefaulteditor interface call edit function :

first method :

procedure tyoureditor.executeverb(index: integer); var   defeditor: idefaulteditor; begin   defeditor := tdefaulteditor.create(component, designer);   defeditor.edit;   case index of     0:       // dosomething !!       // ...       // ...     end;       //... end; 

second method :

you have way : can inherite editor tdefaulteditor class (and not tcomponenteditor) :

 tyoureditor = class(tdefaulteditor)   ..... procedure tyoureditor.executeverb(index: integer); begin   inherited; end; 

but if use second method , lose capability (only when double click, other context menu apear normaly ). prefer using first method .


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