java - Calling a method that only prints out a "loan statement" -

i doing assignment class , started making our own methods , thought seemed easy enough has become extremely frustration , hoping can me wrap head around it.

first things first , assignment trying complete this: make modular program calculate monthly payments, seems easy few restrictions on question follows

the main method should:

ask user

  • the loan amount
  • the annual interest rate ( decimal, 7.5% 0.075 )
  • the number of months


  • call method calculate , return monthly interest rate (annual rate/12)
  • call method calculate , return monthly payment
  • call method print loan statement showing amount borrowed, annual interest rate, number of months, , monthly payment.

i have gotten end of printing out loan statement cant life of me proper way call it, , make show once run program :/ if can me understand how done appreciate it.

(i realize there other mistakes in code right rather focus on need done) import java.util.scanner; public class loanpayment {

/**  * main method declares variables in program while getting user  * info of amount loaned, interest rate of loan, , loans duration.  *   * main method calls other methods calculate monthly interest   * monthly payments , output of loan statement  */   public static void main(string[] args)  {    // declare variables     double interest; // interest attributed loan     double minterest; // loans interest  divided 12     int time; // how long loan taken out     double principle; // amount borrowed     double mpayment; // how paid each month     double loan;      // initate new scanner class     scanner keyboard = new scanner(;     // user input/information     system.out.println("hi, please enter loan amount here:");     principle = keyboard.nextdouble();      system.out.println("thanks, annual interest rate in decimal notation" +              "(example: 7.5% 0.075:");     interest = keyboard.nextdouble();      system.out.println("now please put in number of months loan taken out for");     time = keyboard.nextint();     // call method calculate , return monthly interest rate     minterest = calcminterest( interest );     // call method calculate , return monthly payment     mpayment = calcmpayment (minterest, principle, time);      // call method print loan statement     } // end main () /******************************************************************************/  // class calculates , returns monthly interest on loan public static double calcminterest(  double interest ) {      double minterest;      minterest = (interest / 12);      return minterest;   } // end calcminterest /******************************************************************************/  // class calculates , returns monthly payment public static double calcmpayment (double minterest, double principle, int time) {     double mpayment;     mpayment = (minterest * principle) / (1-(1+ math.pow(minterest,-time)));      return mpayment; } // end calcmpayment /******************************************************************************/  // class prints loan statement showing amount borrowed // , amount borrowed, annual interest rate, number of months // , monthly payment public static void loanstatement(double principle, double interest, int time, double mpayment) {    system.out.println(" principle is" + principle); 

if // call method print loan statement have left do, need on line below it:

loanstatement(principle, interest, time, mpayment); 

and should work fine.

your other methods have non-void return types, put somevariable = yourmethod(yourarguments) in order accept return value. however, loanstatement has void return type. don't need this. can call showed above , execute code in method.

though, personal preference change loanstatement string return type , put print statement in main , print return of loanstatement. methods return strings , more flexible future use (for example, if wanted allow program write file, need 2 loanstatement methods, or rework loanstatement).


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