javafx and css code to change hyperlink color on mouse hover -

i working java fxml application , have 1 hyperlink, want change color when mouse on , again revert when mouse exited it. can body post code achieve it. tried css code not working,

on mouse entered:-  @fxml     private void changeclosecolortowhite() {         hyplnkclose.setstyle("-fx-color: white;");     }  on mouse exited:- @fxml     private void changeclosecolortobrown() {         hyplnkclose.setstyle("-fx-color: #606060;");     } 

thanks in advance.

i found changes in code might work,

try replace "-fx-color:" "-fx-text-fill:"

on mouse entered:-  @fxml     private void changeclosecolortowhite() {         hyplnkclose.setstyle("-fx-text-fill: white;");     }  on mouse exited:- @fxml     private void changeclosecolortobrown() {         hyplnkclose.setstyle("-fx-text-fill: #606060;");     } 


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