SIGINT signal re-install in linux -

i writing program dealing linux signals. more specific, want re-install signal sigint in child process, find doesn't work.

here simpler version of code:

void handler(int sig){     //do     exit(0); }  void handler2(int sig){     //do     exit(0); } int main(){      signal(sigint, handler);      if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {         signal(sigint, handler2); // re-install signal sigint          // takes time         printf("in child process:\n");         execve("foo", argv, environ); // foo executable in local dir          exit(0);     }else{         int status;         waitpid(pid, &status, 0); // block waiting child procee exit     }      return 0; } 

when shell printing "in child process:", press ctrl+c. find function handler executed without problem, handler2 never executed.

could me bug in code?

update: want child process receive sigint signal during foo running process, possible?

it not bug - calling execve has replaced running binary image. function handler2() (and other function of binary) no longer mapped in program memory having been replaced image of "foo" , therefore signal settings replaced default.

if wish signal handler active during "foo" run, have to: a. make sure handler function mapped memory of foo b. signal handler registered after "foo" starts.

one way create shared library contains signal handler , init function defined constructor registers said signal handler , force "foo" memory manipulating environment under execve foo (the environ variable) include ld_preload=/path/to/


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