qt - Waiting for QNetworkAccessManager's response before launching GUI -

i have qt application. when executed command line can give password argument sent qnetworkaccessmanager server check it, , reply handled qobject. after network request sent, application launches graphical interface.

i graphical interface launch if password correct, wait action of qobject finish.

i think can load graphical interface main.cpp file, have check passwork in file well. qobject have called code main.cpp file file not class , cannot have methods.

what right way go it?

you can launch gui anywhere. example:

class app_starter : public qobject {   q_object public:   app_starter(qstring password) {     //performing password check request here   }  private slots:   void response() {     //read response     if (password_ok) {       main_window* mw = new main_window();       mw->show();     } else {       qapplication::quit();     }   } };  //main() qapplication app; app_starter starter(app.arguments()[1]); return app.exec(); 

you can make launcher don't know gui:

class app_starter : public qobject { //... private slots:   void response() {     //read response     if (password_ok) {       emit password_ok();     } else {       qapplication::quit();     }   }  signals:   void password_ok(); };  //main() qapplication app; main_window window; app_starter starter(app.arguments()[1]); connect(&starter, signal(password_ok()), &window, slot(show())); return app.exec(); 


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