ERROR (no such process) Nginx+Gunicorn+Supervisord -

if run command (to start app) via supervisor:

sudo supervisorctl start myapp 

it throwing error of:

myapp: error (no such process)  

i created file called myappsettings.conf:

[program:myapp] command = /usr/local/bin/gunicorn -c /home/ubuntu/virtualenv/ myapp.wsgi user = ubuntu stdout_logfile = /home/ubuntu/virtualenv/myapp/error/gunicorn_supervisor.log redirect_stderr = true 

what issue here?

thank you.


supervisorctl reread supervisorctl reload 

that should start service. did root under ubuntu 13.04.


i've had trouble since posted sighup'ing supervisor processes. share little snippet found elsewhere:

sudo kill -hup `sudo supervisorctl status | grep $app_name | sed -n '/running/s/.*pid \([[:digit:]]\+\).*/\1/p'` 

the below send sighup process running app_name. useful gunicorn graceful reloading.



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