android - Turn on gps remotely -

i know 1 of 100 question here dint answer question if can't programmatically turn on gps how app doing it.

check out real time tracker app.

condition application should switched on gps can switched on , off remote server/webportal.

i tried , worked , have mentioned in play store.

supports remote start via text message (sms) or via web portal . great battery saving. - supports various remote commands can send via web portal. ideal tracking children or pets.

app link

and server link

register in there site first , download , login application, can check self.

my question how able this?

please let me know can try out.

i know 1 of 100 question here dint answer question if can't programmatically turn on gps how app doing it.

there "enabled", , there "on". app cannot make gps enabled if user has disabled it. app can make gps on if gps enabled user.

this app uses locationmanager (or possibly locationclient) find device's location, if gps has been enabled. app does not enable gps disabled.


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