c++11 - Basic C++ Dice game -

i have problem here, nice if me out here. first time using program dont judgemental.

#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream>  using namespace std; int throw1, throw2, throw3, throw4; int bet1 = 100; int bet2 = 300; int bet3 = 500; int bet=(bet1, bet2, bet3); int deposit; int account;  int main(){     int count = 0;      while(count < 3){          cin>>deposit;          while(deposit>5000 || deposit<0){                //makes sure deposit between 0-5000             cout<<"deposit failed"<<endl;             cin>>deposit;          }         account = deposit;         cout<<"you have deposited" <<deposit<<"swedish krona"<<endl;            cout<<"and have cash on account"<<account<<"swedish krona"<<endl;          if (konto>499){                 //makes sure have money bet, , if dont have money, can put in more              cout<<"please place bet"<<endl;             cout<<"bet1=100, bet2=300, bet3=500"<<endl;             cin>>bet1;             cin>>bet2;             cin>>bet3;             account = (deposit - bet);             cout<<"you have cash on account"<<account<<"swedish krona"<<endl;         }         else if(account>299){             cout<<"please place bet"<<endl;             cout<<"bet1=100, bet=300"<<endl;                  cin>>bet1;             cin>>bet2;             account =(deposit - bet);             cout<<"you have cash on account"<<account<<"swedish krona"<<endl;         }         else if(account>99){             cout<<"please place bet"<<endl;             cout<<"bet1=100"<<endl;             cin>>bet1;             cout<<"you have placed bet"<<bet<<"swedish krona"<<endl;         }          while (account<100 || deposit>5000){             cout<<"insufficient funds"<<endl;             cin>>deposit;             account=deposit;         }          {             cout<<"throw dice"<<endl;             srand(time(0));              throw1 = rand() % 6 + 1;             throw2 = rand() % 6 + 1;             throw3 = rand() % 6 + 1;             throw4 = rand() % 6 + 1;             cout<<"you rolled"<<throw1<<endl;             cout<<"you rolled"<<throw2<<endl;             cout<<"computer rolled"<<throw3<<endl;             cout<<"computer rolled"<<throw4<<endl;         }     }     count++;      system ("pause"); } 

so thing here that, reason bet 500, though type in bet1 or bet2, , have no clue how fix problem. , loop function (int count 0; while(count < 3)count++) starts loop endlessly without me pressing anything, though use same loop function in simple coding typing cout<< things works fine, when use in code, goes drain, know why happening, appreciate if answer, in advanced.

int bet1 = 100; int bet2 = 300; int bet3 = 500; int bet=(bet1, bet2, bet3) 

the last line evaluated this: 100, 300, 500. result of comma separated list of expression last value, 500. bet variable set 500.


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