C++ MFC RegEx issue -

i using regex restrict characters entered textbox

i using below allowed characters

catlregexp<> regex; cstring cstext2 = "some test £" cstring m_szregex = "([a-za-z0-9\\.\\,\";\\:'@#$£?\\+\\*\\-\\/\\%! ()])"; reparseerror status = regex.parse(m_szregex, true);  catlrematchcontext<> mc; if (!regex.match(cstext2, &mc))  {      afxmessagebox("inavlid char") }        

this works fine, except £ symbol. doesn't seem pick up

can advise on missing


this seems bug affects extended ascii characters (those higher 0x7f).

the character value converted integer , used index kind of attributes array. since char signed, undergoes sign expansion, character above 0x7f cause overflow.

size_t u = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<_tuchar>(* ((rechar *) sz))); if (pbits[u >> 3] & 1 << (u & 0x7)) 

you can find more discussions on topic here: catlregexp crashes pound sign!


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