css - Firefox support for alignment-baseline property? -

does firefox have support @ alignment-baseline property? when inspect (using firebug) svg elements alignment-baseline property has been explicitly set, firebug not list property @ (iow treats noise). no matter value assign property, appearance of displayed text never changes, further suggesting ff ignores property altogether.

(one other sign ff's support property may busted link given in page cited above css documentation property dead-as-a-doornail.)

assuming that, appears, ff not support alignment-baseline property, value of property closely replicate ff's default behavior?

edit: example, view jsfiddle both chrome , ff; each line of displayed text displayed highlighted word has been produced code of following form:

<tspan style="alignment-baseline:alphabetic">alphabetic</tspan> 

note lines same in ff, not in chrome.

there few possible candidate values property replicate ff's default behavior (namely, auto, alphabetic, mathematic, , inherit); unfortunately, experiment cannot decide matter, , it's not clear me of possible options match ff's default behavior in greatest fraction of cases.

it seems alignment-baseline ment used portions of <text>, elements tspan, tref etc. main <text> element use dominant-baseline attribute.

(this @tanel eero wrote above comment. i'm re-stating here question can accepted answer).


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