jsf - @Inject-ed value null in @FacesComponent -

i have impression cdi not working classes have @javax.faces.component.facescomponent. true?

here's example, doesn't work. myinjectableclass used @ other points in code injection not problem, must @facescomponent annotation think.

the class want inject:

@named @stateful public class myinjectableclass implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = 4556482219775071397l; } 

the component uses class;

@facescomponent(value = "mycomponents.mytag") public class mycomponent extends uicomponentbase implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = -5656806814384095309l;      @inject     protected myinjectableclass injectedinstance;       @override     public void encodebegin(facescontext context) throws ioexception {         /* injectedinstance null here */     } } 

unfortunately, jsf 2.2 @facescomponent, @facesvalidator , @facesconverter not valid injection targets (read what's new in jsf 2.2? arjan tijms more details). arjan points out:

it’s taken consideration jsf 2.3 though.

what can now? well, you've got 2 choices:

  1. handle cdi injection via lookup, or switch ejb , simpler ejb lookup;
  2. annotate tour class @named instead of @facescomponent, @inject component way did , register component in faces-config.xml.

and, way, you've got 2 issues you've got far: (1) meant @named @stateful when former cdi world , latter ejb world , (2) sure intend keep state in faces component that's recreated on every request?


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