c - _tzset and x letter time-zone names -

how can set, in c, time zone saint pierre , miquelon (pmst3pmdt) format:

set tz=tzn[+ | –]hh[:mm[:ss] ][dzn] 

if @ documentation of _tzset, can read that:


three-letter time-zone name, such pst. must specify correct offset local time utc.

what time zone names of 4 letters (pmdt) or 5 letters (easst) ? here list of time zone abbreviations: wikiepedia

here simple code in c test _tzset:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #include <time.h> //add _crt_secure_no_warnings in project properties "preprocessor definitions"  int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {     time_t t;     struct tm * now;      _putenv("tz=pst8pdt"); // pacific standard time, there no problem      _tzset();      t = time(0);     = localtime( & t );     printf("time: %d:%d \nisdst:%d\n", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_isdst);     printf("_daylight=%d\n", _daylight);     printf( "_timezone=%d\n", _timezone);     printf( "_tzname[0]=%s\n", _tzname[0]);     printf( "_tzname[1]=%s\n", _tzname[1]);      return 0; } 

*i'm using windows8, visual studio 2012

from see in timezone database on ubuntu:


the timezone want use named america/miquelon.

so want this:

setenv("tz", "america/miquelon", 1); tzset(); 

to force timezone saint pierre & miquelon.

i not know whether work under ms-windows though...


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