- Issue with Sum on a colum in Rdlc Report -

i have rdlc report.

supposing there 2 columns

   trval      status    10000        yes    20000        yes    30000        no  total= 30000 

currently using expression above:

=sum(iif(fields!lead_status.value = "yes", fields!trvalrange.value, 0)) 

assuming add trvalrange result each time yes. in case there no status=yes says 0. when there rows status=yes gives error .

also trvalrange string field need sort of conversion here sum? suggestions.

thank you

as thought needed convert string value int can summed changed expression :

=sum(iif(fields!lead_status.value = "satisfactory",cint(fields!trvalrange.value), 0)) 

and works perfectly.


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