layout - default 'show menu' icon on android -

i have app features grid view. each item in grid view want provide context menu, see on play store:

i use built in android menu icon, can't find anywhere in android.r.drawable, 1 might expect be. where, therefore, can find icon can set drawable in grid view item.

according dmags' answer this question google advises that

you should not reference these icons using android platform resource ids (i.e. menu icons >under android.r.drawable).

(though page linked no longer appears contain warning)

i puzzled why advice given? want design consistent os running on. if android 5 decides have image of lemon display menu, i'd want app use same image of lemon show sub menus.

so can either give me reason why should creating own graphic rather use defaut android graphic, or give me location in menu graphic can found?

have @ android-sdk folder: c:\program files\android\sdk\platforms\android-18\data\res\drawable-hdpi\ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light.png

i think might 1 looking for.

it not practice use drawable direct @android:... because androdi open source platform , every customer (like samsung or cyanogen mod crew) can build own version of without drawable u using. can nullpointer exception. better way copy drawable android sdk directly project.


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