How to use data templates in ASP.NET razor syntax -

i working on project , want make page have :

enter image description here

i want put images in previous picture in data templates , want show pages numbers in way .... there article or tutorial can me perform ... because i'm beginner in field ....

assume view models:

public class projectvm {   public string imageurl { get; set; }   public string projectname { get; set; } } public class indexvm {   // nuget> install-package pagedlist   public ipagedlist<projectvm> projects { get; set; } } 

then controller:

public class homecontroller : controller {   public actionresult index(int32 page = 1)   {     indexvm model = new indexvm     {       projects = projectservice.getprojects().topagedlist(page, 6)     };     return view(model);   } } 

then views:


@model projectvm @* or display it... *@ <div class="span4">   <img src="@model.imageurl" />   <p></p> </div> 


@mode indexvm @* or display it... *@ <div class="content">   <section>     <div class="title">       <h1>all projects</h1>       <div class="paging">         @html.pagedlistpager((ipagedlist)model.projects, page => url.action("index", new { page }))       </div>    @html.displayfor(x => x.projects) </div> 

example project found on github


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