java - Android - Need to Pause playing mediafile at particular instance -

i have page consisting of 3 different buttons play | pause | stop. play | stop working fine, i'm not able pause @ particular instance. want pause playing @ instance, pressing pause button. , resume saved instance again pressing play button.

below code file

public class sound extends activity {      mediaplayer mp = null;     string play = "play!";           string stop = "stop!";     string pause = "pause";          int length;      @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.sound);          final imagebutton play = (imagebutton) findviewbyid(;         play.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 managerofsound("play");                 toast toast_play = toast.maketext(getbasecontext(),                         "playing first", toast.length_short);       ;              } // end onclick()         });  final imagebutton pause = (imagebutton) findviewbyid(;         pause.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 managerofsound("pause");                 toast toast_pause = toast.maketext(getbasecontext(), "pausing morning bhajan-aarati", toast.length_short);       ;              } // end onclick()         });           final imagebutton stop = (imagebutton) findviewbyid(;         stop.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 if (mp != null) {                     mp.stop();                     mp.reset();                     toast toast_stop = toast.maketext(getbasecontext(),                             "stopping first",                             toast.length_short);           ;                 }             } // end onclick()         });       /** manager of sounds **/     protected void managerofsound(string thetext) { if (mp != null){         mp.reset();         mp.release();         }         if (thetext == "play")             mp = mediaplayer.create(this, r.raw.goodbye);         else if (thetext == "pause" && mp.isplaying()) mp.pause();             length = mp.getcurrentposition();             mp.seekto(length);             mp.start();     } 

here sound.xml file,

<relativelayout         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content" >          <imagebutton             android:id="@+id/idplay"             android:layout_width="wrap_content"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_marginright="65dp"             android:layout_margintop="20dp"             android:background="@drawable/image_play" />         <!-- android:text="@string/idplay" /> -->          <imagebutton             android:id="@+id/idpause"             android:layout_width="wrap_content"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_margintop="20dp"             android:layout_toleftof="@+id/idstop"             android:background="@drawable/image_pause" />          <imagebutton             android:id="@+id/idstop"             android:layout_width="wrap_content"             android:layout_height="wrap_content"             android:layout_marginleft="20dp"             android:layout_margintop="20dp"             android:layout_torightof="@+id/idplay"             android:background="@drawable/image_stop" />      </relativelayout> 

your appreciated..!!

i think problem line:

if (thetext == "play")   mp = mediaplayer.create(this, r.raw.goodbye); else if (thetext == "pause" && mp.isplaying())   mp.pause();   length = mp.getcurrentposition();   mp.seekto(length);   mp.start();´ 

you setting length clicking pause button, start again directly in if clause.

you should check if play button clicked if media playing befor, like

if(length > 0) 

and start player @ specified position.

edit: in addition, should not use operator == compare strings. should better use string1.equals(string2)

hope helps

best wishes


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