How to assign and access data from a struct of arrays in C -

i'm trying create array of type struct i'm having trouble assigning , accessing data once i've created it. have basic understanding of things in c, i'm still new.

here declaration of struct , array:

typedef struct search{      char word[10]; };  struct search words[40]; 

the first time need use array when need store string in first element (from command line argument). mistake, syntactically , theoretically?

words[0] = *argv[count]; //it says can't assign char struct words 

the next time need access inside function. first line how have called function, , post function prototype , lines inside giving me trouble. please let me know if need clarify structure.

parsesearchwords(words); // function call   int parsesearchwords(struct search *word); // function prototype   word[0][0] = 'a';// lines giving me errors printf("%s\n", *word[0][0]); 

although i'm sure it's obvious what's wrong statement, error is: subscripted value neither array not pointer nor vector.

thanks help, please let me know if can clarify anything.

struct search {      char word[10]; }; 

defines structure search contains array of chars of size 10 member. when want access elements (chars) of array, need explicitly access member :

int parsesearchwords(struct search *word) {     ...     word[0][0] = 'a';     printf("%s\n", *word[0][0]); } 

should be:

int parsesearchwords(struct search *s) {     ...     s[0].word[0] = 'a';     printf("%s\n", s[0].word); } 

and copying argv should more this:

struct search words[40]; int = 0; (; < argc; ++i) {     strncpy(words[i].word, *argv[i], 9);     words[i].word[9] = '\0'; } 

and in case want use typedef, suggest using more meaningful name search , written in uppercamelcase:

typedef struct search{      char word[10]; } word; 

then prototype of parsesearchwords function might become:

int parsesearchwords(word *words) 


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