Algorithm to find minimum length in main string to find second string -

there 1 question of algorithm.

question follows:-

you given protein string consisting of characters, a, b, c, d. have find minimum length sequence in that.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 b c d c b c d  c  c  d    string find : bcd   string find between (startpoint, endpoint) 1, 4 7, 9 1, 12 7, 12  minimum length of 7, 9.  answer 7, 9 

my work,

  1. we can solve using brute force approach in o(n^2).
  2. we can find first sequence present in main string using dp, , dp logic follows,
a = main string b = string find dp = dynamic programming function  n = a.size, m = b.size  build array of  dp[m+1][n+1]  dp[i][j], means if in a[0...i], b[0...j] present or not.  way can find our first occurence of b in a. after this, stuck. 

i need hint side.

please give me hint/guidance only, no code or implementation required.

your sample problem , solution suggests solution numeric pair containing position of first letter of substring , position of last letter of substring i.e.

if substring bcd, solution position of b, position of d 

provided rest of substring (c in case) falls in between solution pair.

so, give hint, can start finding positions of first letter of substring in main string , store positions in array. can find positions of last letter of substring , store them in array. give set of probable solution set wherein each pair comprise of 1 number array 1 , 1 number array 2 such number array 2 greater number array 1. might end observing there no such pair, means there no solution i.e. substring not exist in main string, or might end find 1 or more such pairs, means there can solution. left find out if rest of substring exists between solution pairs or not. if there more 1 such pairs found @ end, higher number minus lower number should resolve right solution. hope helps, mentioned not wish know entire answer, looking hint :)


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