mongodb - MongoError: can't find any special indices: 2d (needs index), 2dsphere (needs index) -

i attempting use mongodb's geospatial indexing querying latitude , longitude points around point using mongodb's find method. keep getting error:

mongoerror: can't find special indices: 2d (needs index), 2dsphere (needs index)

i'm not sure documentation after googling hour. can't find explanations. here schema created using mongoose:

var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var schema = mongoose.schema;  var eventschema = new schema ({   name: string,   description: string,   location: {type: [string], index: '2dsphere'},   time: date,   photo: buffer,   activity: string });  mongoose.model('event', eventschema); 

i use find method find other event documents around point user provides.

var maxdistance = 0.09; var lonlat = {$geometry: {type: 'point', coordinates: [34.09,124.34] }};  event.find({   'geo': {     $near: lonlat,     $maxdistance: maxdistance   } }).exec(function(err, events) {   if(err) {     throw err;   } else {     return events;   } }); 

what syntax have wrong here? missing huge? urls documentation great besides this link.

did try create index sentence?

db.event.ensureindex({ "location" : "2d" } )

it's little confusing example. don't if 'location' coordinates or 'geo', because create schema former , query latter.

in both cases, idea execute


so can check format of collection.

also command can check current indexes.


all of works if working on 'event' collection.


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