crazy C++ compiler error messages about a copy constructor from MinGW32 -

i'm beginning c++ student , i'm using jgrasp , have installed mingw32 because turn our assignments remotely linux machine helps ensure it'll work simulating linux environment in windows or something. mingw32 installed "base package" , manually selected c++ compiler option. in jgrasp went settings>>path/classpath>>workspace , added new path directory c:\mingw\mingw32\bin it'll know g++ compiler is.

i these crazy error messages upon compiling in jgrasp can't make sense of. think has header because of iostream.

#include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; 

here compiler error messages:

ios:42:0,                  c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\ostream:38,                  c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\iostream:39,                  lab1.cpp:6: c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\bits\ios_base.h: in copy constructor 'std::basic_ios<char>::basic_ios(const std::basic_ios<char>&)': ios_base.h:786:5: error: 'std::ios_base::ios_base(const std::ios_base&)' private      ios_base(const ios_base&);      ^ ios:44:0,                  c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\ostream:38,                  c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\iostream:39,                  lab1.cpp:6: basic_ios.h:66:11: error: within context      class basic_ios : public ios_base            ^ in file included lab1.cpp:8:0: c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\fstream: in copy constructor 'std::basic_ifstream<char>::basic_ifstream(const std::basic_ifstream<char>&)': fstream:427:11: note: synthesized method 'std::basic_ios<char>::basic_ios(const std::basic_ios<char>&)' first required here       class basic_ifstream : public basic_istream<_chart, _traits>            ^ ios:43:0,                  c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\ostream:38,                  c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\iostream:39,                  lab1.cpp:6: c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\streambuf: in copy constructor 'std::basic_filebuf<char>::basic_filebuf(const std::basic_filebuf<char>&)': streambuf:802:7: error: 'std::basic_streambuf<_chart, _traits>::basic_streambuf(const std::basic_streambuf<_chart, _traits>&) [with _chart = char; _traits = std::char_traits<char>]' private        basic_streambuf(const basic_streambuf& __sb)        ^ in file included lab1.cpp:8:0: fstream:72:11: error: within context      class basic_filebuf : public basic_streambuf<_chart, _traits>            ^ c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.8.1\include\c++\fstream: in copy constructor 'std::basic_ifstream<char>::basic_ifstream(const std::basic_ifstream<char>&)': fstream:427:11: note: synthesized method 'std::basic_filebuf<char>::basic_filebuf(const std::basic_filebuf<char>&)' first required here       class basic_ifstream : public basic_istream<_chart, _traits> 

and here code far:

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // write meaningful doxygen comments , assumptions  #include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std;  int const maxsize = 100;            // maximum number of records in total int const maxlength = 31;           // maximum string length  int const maxgrade = 100;           // highest possible grade int const lowgrade = 0;             // lowest possible grade int const group = 10;               // group amount int const histogramsize = (maxgrade-lowgrade)/group + 1;    // grouped group  struct studenttype  {               // information of 1 student    int grade;                       // grade of student    char last[maxlength];            // last name (maxlength-1 @ most)    char first[maxlength];           // first name (maxlength-1 @ most) };  // prototypes go here bool sortinput(ifstream, studenttype, int); void displaylist(studenttype, int); /*sethistrogram(); displayhistogram(); findaverage();*/  //------------------------------- main ---------------------------------------- int main()  {    studenttype students[maxsize];   // list of maxsize number of students    int size = 0;                    // total number of students    int histogram[histogramsize];    // grades grouped group    int average = 0;                 // average exam score, truncated     // creates file object , opens data file    ifstream infile("data1.txt");    if (!infile)  {        cout << "file not opened." << endl;        return 1;      }     // read , sort input last first name    bool successfulread = sortinput(infile, students, size);                   // display list, histogram, , class average     if (successfulread)  {       displaylist(students[], size);      // sethistogram(... figure parameters ...);      // displayhistogram(... figure parameters ...);      // average = findaverage(... figure parameters ...);       cout << "average grade: " << average << endl << endl;    }    return 0; }  bool sortinput(ifstream infile, studenttype students[], int size) {    while(infile)    {       studenttype temp;       infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;        //for(int = maxsize-1; > maxsize-1-size; i--)       for(int = size; > 0; i--)       {          if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i].last) < 0)          {             //copy current name , grade down             //strcopy(students[i+1].last, students[i].last);             students[i+1] = students[i];          }          else if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i].last) == 0 && strcmp(temp.first, students[i].first) < 0))          {             //copy/assign current name , grade down             students[i+1] = students[i];          }          else          {             //found right place, break out of loop             break;          }       }        //now you've made room, insert (copy) new name correct sorted position       students[i] = temp;    }     return true; }  void displaylist(studenttype students[], int size) {    cout << "list of names sorted:" << end1;     for(int = 0; < size; i++)    {       cout << " " << student[i].grade << " " << students[].last << " " << students[i].first << end1;    } }  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions meaningful doxygen comments , assumptions go here 

i ran myself. problem sortinput takes ifstream value, instead of reference. ifstreams don't copied. change declaration to:

bool sortinput(ifstream&, studenttype, int); 

note &


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