c# - Kendo UI Grid paging issue in ASP.NET MVC -

in kendo ui grid, set page size attribute 3 - pagesize(3):

@(html.kendo().grid<kendo.mvc.examples.models.discount>()     .name("discountgrid")     .columns(c=>     {         c.bound(d => d.id);         c.bound(d => d.category);         c.bound(d => d.percentage);         c.bound(d => d.merchandise);         c.command(cm => { cm.edit(); cm.destroy(); });     })     .pageable()     .toolbar(toolbar => toolbar.create())     .editable(editable => editable.mode(grideditmode.incell))     .datasource(datasource => datasource         .ajax()         .pagesize(3)         .serveroperation(false)         .model(model => model.id(d => d.id))         .create(update => update.action("editinginline_create", "grid"))         .update(update => update.action("editinginline_update", "grid"))         .destroy(update => update.action("editinginline_destroy", "grid"))     ) ) 

after adding first 3 rows, when insert 4th record, first record disappears (as expected) - don't see option go second page (page 2) in grid footer.

why that? missing?

you have specify read action on datasource , add requestend event. can place datasource read method inside event. event type parameter on requestend event such "update","create","destroy" can used determine operation complete , reload data on grid.

@(html.kendo().grid<kendo.mvc.examples.models.discount>() .name("discountgrid") .columns(c=> {     c.bound(d => d.id);     c.bound(d => d.category);     c.bound(d => d.percentage);     c.bound(d => d.merchandise);     c.command(cm => { cm.edit(); cm.destroy(); }); }) .pageable() .toolbar(toolbar => toolbar.create()) .editable(editable => editable.mode(grideditmode.incell)) .datasource(datasource => datasource     .ajax()     .pagesize(3)     .serveroperation(false)     .events(e => { e.requestend("onrequestend"); })//onrequestend javascript fxn     .model(model => model.id(d => d.id))     .read(read => read.action("editinginline_read","grid"))     .create(update => update.action("editinginline_create", "grid"))     .update(update => update.action("editinginline_update", "grid"))     .destroy(update => update.action("editinginline_destroy", "grid")) ))   <script type="text/javascript">  function onrequestend(e) {     if (e.type === "create" || e.type === "update" || e.type === "destroy") {         e.sender.read();     } }  </script> 

if need further information, please read link


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