python - Django - using thread.start_new_thread for reading a file throws exception while "simplejson.loads" -

i have log file, have parse. log file may have 3 types of lines

cat- xxxxxxxxxxxxx dog - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rat - xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

my parse function in python script

from django.utils import simplejson   simplejson.jsonencoder.item_separator = ',' simplejson.jsonencoder.key_separator = ':'   def parsefile(self):      thread.start_new_thread(self.part1,("rat",))      thread.start_new_thread(self.part1,("dog",))      thread.start_new_thread(self.part1,("cat",))  def part1(self, tag):         try:             print "eating %s feed statements\n"%tag             log_file = open(self.file,'r')             line in log_file:                     if line.find(tag) != -1:                             msg = self.getjsonmessage(line)                             print "hello1"                             self.meta_tags[tag](msg)             log_file.close()             print "finished eating %s\n"%tag             print self.positivecount, self.negcount, self.nocount         except exception,e:             print e    def getjsonmessage(self,line):             parts = line.split(' ')             jsonstr = ''             count = 4             while(count<len(parts)):                     jsonstr += ' ' + parts[count]                     #print parts[count]                     count = count + 1             print jsonstr             msg = simplejson.loads(jsonstr)        //line 1             date = parts[0].split('-')             time = parts[1].split(':')             seconds = time[2].split(',')             msg['feed_date'] = datetime(int(date[0]),int(date[1]),int(date[2]),int(time[0]),int(time[1]),int(seconds[0]),int(seconds[1]))             return msg 

now when code reached line 1 throws exception

'nonetype' object has no attribute 'loads'

i know simplejson has been deprecated in present version of django, m using older version.


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