php - Implode on multiarray -

i have array:

$array = array(    0 => array('first' => 'aaa',               'second' => 'bbb'),    1 => array('first' => 'erw',               'second' => 'wer'),    2 => array('first' => 'aaawe',               'second' => '345'),    3 => array('first' => 'aa345a',               'second' => 'dfgdfg'), ); 

and values implode:

$first = implode(';', $array['first']); $second = implode(';', $array['second']); 

but of course not working. how best way this?

with php 5.5 there exists function array_column():

$first = implode(';', array_column($array, 'first')); // same $second 

p.s.: backwards compability check out

as requested, "simple" (php 5.3 compatible):

$first = array_reduce($array, function ($array, $string) { return ($string !== null?"$string;":"").$array['first']; }, null); 


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