c# - UseObjectDisposedExceptionRule : A method of an IDisposable type does not throw System.ObjectDisposedException -

i have page in mvp model. properties in view interface implemented in code behind ie .aspx.cs file. in of properties implemented in code behind , code monitoring tool shows warning like:

useobjectdisposedexceptionrule : method of idisposable type not throw system.objectdisposedexception.

the exception shown in setter ie,

    public bool isoktoptoceed     {         {      return _isoktoproceed;     }     set     {     /// warning displayed in line     _isoktoproceed=value;     }     } 

how supposed handle warning? using try catch block while setting value?

it guideline prevent use-after-dispose.

set {    /// warning displayed in line    if (this.isdisposed)        throw new objectdisposedexception("<classname>");     _isoktoproceed=value; } 


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