php - New lines in a pre tag? -

i'm using bbcode tags parsing. actual issue can see here: github. nbbc issue #1.

when i'm parsing text, includes bbcode programming language, example rule php, replaces php bbcode tag pre tag:

$bb = new bbcode;  $bb->addrule('php',array(     'simple_start'=>'<pre>',     'simple_end'=>'</pre>',     'allow_in'=>false, )); 

i have empty lines in pre, divides normal lines, here picture of this:

empty lines in pre

if i'll use $bb->setignorenewlines(true); new lines not exists in text not in pre. how fix that?

<!doctype html"> <html">     <head>         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />         <title>nbbc</title>     </head>     <body>     <style>     pre { margin: 2px; border: 1px solid #c2c2c2; width: 400px; }     div.content { border: 4px dotted #27bfc5; margin: 2px; padding: 4px; width: 407px; }     </style>         <?php               require_once('nbbc-master/nbbc.php');              $bb = new bbcode;              // $bb->setignorenewlines(true);              $bb->addrule('php',array(                 'simple_start'=>'<pre>',                 'simple_end'=>'</pre>',                 'allow_in'=>false,             ));              echo '<div class="content">'.$bb->parse($_post['content']).'</div>';          ?>  <!-- content test, copy textarea test new lines in code  while work. great! [php]  $a ="test a";  $b =$a; $c =$b;  [/php] end tests! -->          <form action="" method="post">             <textarea name="content" cols="50" rows="13"></textarea> <br />             <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />         </form>     </body> </html> 

update (1) tried use callback:

$content = preg_replace_callback('/(.*\[php\])(.*)(\[\/php\])(.*)/is',function($matches){                 return trim($matches[1]).str_replace("\n\n","\n",trim($matches[2])).trim($matches[3]).trim($matches[4]);             },$_post['content']); 

but these breaks anyway there:


update (2). well, did, dont think final solution:

$bb = new bbcode;              // $bb->setignorenewlines(true);              $bb->addrule('php',array(                 'simple_start'=>'<pre>',                 'simple_end'=>'</pre>',                 'allow_in'=>false,             ));              $content = preg_replace_callback('/(.*\[php\])(.*)(\[\/php\].*)/is',             function ( $matches ) { return $matches[1].trim($matches[2]).$matches[3]; }             ,$_post['content']);              $content = $bb->parse($_post['content']);              $content = preg_replace_callback('/(.*<pre>)(.*)(<\/pre>.*)/is',             function ( $matches ) { return trim($matches[1]).preg_replace('/<br \/>/is','',trim($matches[2])).trim($matches[3]); }             ,$content);              echo '<div class="content">'.$content.'</div>'; 

for nbbc library issue still on hold.

update (3) stand on this:

$content = $bb->parse($content);          $content = preg_replace_callback('/(.*<pre.*?>)(.*)(<\/pre>.*)/is',         function ( $matches ) {              return trim($matches[1]).str_replace('<br />','',trim($matches[2])).trim($matches[3]);          }         ,$content); 

trim() should remove leading , trailing whitespace, including newline, without affecting newlines after user started entering text. can pass contents of [php][/php] block through trim()?

or, after re-reading question, slip str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $input) in there replace double newlines single newlines?


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