c++ - How to pass a vector of objects to another class then call a function from within a member of an object in that vector? -

how pass vector via function call pointer vector in class , call function or element via receiving class; , how call function in receiving class remotely?

in example, object0 object type containing function called.

object0 created in object1 member of vector.

then vector passed object2, wherein called external object; here arbitrarily chosen within object1;

main() way of booting app up, , welcome suggestions on improving it.

#include <vector>  class object0 { protected:     int a;     void function()     {         std::cout << "function called" << std::endl;     } };  class object2 {     public:     std::vector<object0> *object0vec;     void knowvector(std::vector<object0> *_object0vec)     {         object0vec = _object0vec;     } };  class object1 { public:     object2* _object2;     object1()     {         _object2 = new object2;     }     void init()     {         std::vector<object0> object0vec;         object0vec.push_back(new object0)         _object2.object0vec[0].function(); 

how line working? _object2.object0vec[0].function();

    } }; int main() {     object1 newobject1;     object1 &ref_newobject1 = newobject1;     ref_newobject1.init(); } 

in init():

"_object2" has lifetime same object1. yet, in init() presumably pass pointer local variable object0vec knowvector(). now, "_object2" has longer lifetime object has poiner to, yet doesn't own. "knowvector" make copy of vector instead of keeping pointer.


in init(), "_object2" pointer, need use ->.

object2::object0vec pointer while presumably "object0vec[0]" meant first object in vector, not first in array of vectors.

_object2 -> (*object0vec)[0].function(); 


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