android - Fragment on Screen Rotation -

i have added viewpager activity contains 2 page.

in oncreate of activity add fragments fragmentadapter:

public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     ......      fragmentadapter fragmentadapter = new fragmentadapter     (         getsupportfragmentmanager(),         new fragment[]{fragmentgame.builder(id), fragmentcomments.builder(id)},         new string[]{getstring(r.string.gameinfo), getstring(r.string.comments)}     );      viewpager viewpager = (viewpager) findviewbyid(;     viewpager.setadapter(fragmentadapter);  public static fragmentgame builder(long id) {     fragmentgame fragmentgame = new fragmentgame();      // = id;      bundle bundle = new bundle();     bundle.putlong(constants.extra_id, id);     fragmentgame.setarguments(bundle);      return fragmentgame; } 

first time activity created oncreateview of fragment called it's expected.

the strange behaviour when screen rotated first time oncreateview of fragment called twice second call has correct id , first call id 0.

on second screen rotation, oncreateview called 3 times , again last 1 has id.

by more screen rotation, oncreateview calls increase.

i found related question fragment , screen rotation can't figure out why happens , how right way.

----- update ------

the id problem solved replaced bundle direct value setting.

every time rotate device creating new fragment , adding fragmentmanager.

all of created fragments still in fragmentmanager therefore count increases 1 each time.

if wish retain value in fragment, need store in arguments otherwise values contains lost when system re-creates fragment.

public static fragmentgame builder(long id) {  bundle args = new bundle();  args.putint("id", id);  fragmentgame f = new fragmentgame();  f.setarguments(args); } 

rather creating new fragment, suspect want retrieve created 1 when rotate device. use getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbyid() or getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbytag() this.

edit: code

    // add fragment manager     fragmenttransaction trans=getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();     trans.add(f,"mytag");     trans.commit();      // retrieve fragment     fragment f= getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbytag("mytag"); 

just attempt retrieve fragment, if value null, create new fragment , add manager otherwise use retrieved one.


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