wordpress - Javascript bookmarklet link works one 1 WP site but not the other -

i created post on wordpress site , share several javascript bookmarklets. 2 of them perform google custom search once enter word dialog box.

here code 1 of them:

<a href='javascript:q = "" +(window.getselection ?  window.getselection() : document.getselection ? document.getselection() : document.selection.createrange().text); if (!q) q = prompt("find royalty free wikimedia, enter keyword box below", ""); if (q!=null) window.open("http://www.google.com/images?q= " +"\"i+grant+anyone+the+right+to+use+this+work+for+any+purpose%2c+without+any+conditions%2c+unless+such+conditions+are+required+by+law\" + " + escape(q).replace(/ /g, ""+"")) ; void 0' ;             <font color="#000000">wikimedia images</font></a> 

now reason on test site worked fine, when publishing on personal blog doesn't work. test blog , personal blog on different hosts , running different themes etc.

any idea cause problem?

if see post it's displayed on it's http://thewiseaffiliate.com/free-stuff/free-images-for-commercial-website/ scroll bottom of post , you'll see hyperlinked stackoverflow.

if repeated same process on test site hyperlink load bookmarklet dialog box.

here test site, smae code used on wikimedai hyperlink: http://hair.siterubix.com/hello-world

any on appreciated.


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