javascript - Upload photo into facebook from html5 canvas -

in jsp page, have manipulated photo within html5 canvas , want upload facebook upon clicking upload button.

facebooktype publishphotoresponse = facebookclient.publish("me/photos", facebooktype.class, binaryattachment.with("test.jpeg", getclass().getresourceasstream("xxx")), parameter.with("message", "test"));  out.println("published photo id: " + publishphotoresponse.getid()); 

i using restfb uploading part in servlet. however, have no clue attribute needed me pass on servlet side processing (for example: "xxx"). when used todataurl, url of image base64. facebook api allows me upload photo using base64 format?

var base64url = document.getelementbyid('canvasimg').src; var decodedurl = escape(window.atob(base64url)); alert(decodedurl); 

the above coding seems contain error won't display alert. should decode base64 data first before handling on servlet or should pass whole base64 data servlet handle decoding?


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