json - no root element name resteasy response -
i having trouble returning list of objects root name of object specified. i've tried several different things. sure doing incredibly stupid always, , appreciate help.
here object
@xmlrootelement @jsonrootname(value = "bixasset") @jsonignoreproperties({"hibernatelazyinitializer", "handler"}) @produces("application/json") @indexed public class bixasset implements java.io.serializable { @id private uuid id; private client client; private string name; private string asseturl; private character active; private integer width; private integer height; private string thumbnailurl; private date createddate; private string filetype; private string category; public bixasset() { } public bixasset(uuid id) { this.id = id; } public bixasset(uuid id, client client, string name, string asseturl,character active, integer width, integer height, string thumbnailurl ,date createddate, string filetype, string category) { this.id = id; this.client = client; this.name = name; this.asseturl = asseturl; this.active = active; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.thumbnailurl = thumbnailurl; this.createddate = createddate; this.filetype = filetype; this.category = category; } public uuid getid() { return this.id; } public void setid(uuid id) { this.id = id; } @manytoone(fetch=fetchtype.lazy, cascade = { cascadetype.persist, cascadetype.remove }) @joincolumn(name="clientid") public client getclient() { return this.client; } public void setclient(client client) { this.client = client; } public string getname() { return name; } public void setname(string name) { this.name = name; } public string getasseturl() { return asseturl; } public void setasseturl(string asseturl) { this.asseturl = asseturl; } public character getactive() { return active; } public void setactive(character active) { this.active = active; } public integer getwidth() { return width; } public void setwidth(integer width) { this.width = width; } public integer getheight() { return height; } public void setheight(integer height) { this.height = height; } public string getthumbnailurl() { return thumbnailurl; } public void setthumbnailurl(string thumbnailurl) { this.thumbnailurl = thumbnailurl; } public date getcreateddate() { return createddate; } public void setcreateddate(date createddate) { this.createddate = createddate; } public string getfiletype() { return filetype; } public void setfiletype(string filetype) { this.filetype = filetype; } public string getcategory() { return category; } public void setcategory(string category) { this.category = category; } }
here method
@path("/bixasset/") @produces(mediatype.application_json) public response querybixasset(@queryparam("id") string id, @queryparam("filetype") string filetype, @queryparam("category") string category, @queryparam("token") string token) { try{ list<bixasset> results = new arraylist<bixasset>(); uuid clientid = dal.validatetoken(token); if(token != null && clientid != null){ string query ="from bixasset client.id = '" + clientid + "' "; if(id != null && !id.equals("")) query += " , id = '" + id + "'"; if(filetype != null && !filetype.equals("")) query += " , filetype.id = '" + filetype + "'"; if(category != null && !category.equals("")) query += " , category = '" + category + "'"; query+= " limit 1000"; results = dal.query(query); system.out.println("query size" + results.size()); }else{ return response.status(401).build(); } return response.ok(results).build(); }catch(exception e){ return response.status(400).build(); } }
here result
[ { "id": "99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae", "client": { "id": "388e16d6-d35e-4f8c-bba5-b1147b824473", "reseller": null, "name": "phizzle", "createddate": 1357554435574, "address1": "123", "address2": "", "city": "san francisco", "state": "ca", "postalcode": "80130", "country": "usa", "description": "phizzle master client" }, "name": "gears_animated.gif", "asseturl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/asdad/99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae.gif", "active": "0", "width": 141, "height": 141, "thumbnailurl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/dadadsda/99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae__thumbnail.jpg", "createddate": 1380927929287, "filetype": "image/gif", "category": "images" } ]
would prefer result like
{"bixasset" [ { "id": "99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae", "client": { "id": "388e16d6-d35e-4f8c-bba5-b1147b824473", "reseller": null, "name": "phizzle", "createddate": 1357554435574, "address1": "123", "address2": "", "city": "san francisco", "state": "ca", "postalcode": "80130", "country": "usa", "description": "phizzle master client" }, "name": "gears_animated.gif", "asseturl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/adsdadd/99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae.gif", "active": "0", "width": 141, "height": 141, "thumbnailurl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/adadsd/99f516a2-f7ef-4bc9-a627-73981a2fc3ae__thumbnail.jpg", "createddate": 1380927929287, "filetype": "image/gif", "category": "images" } ] }
have tried set annotation variable of @xmlrootelement instead of using @jsonrootname? mean:
@xmlrootelement(name = "bixasset")
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