winapi - c++ win32 textarea with line numbers? -

i'm writing notepad program using ms visual c++ 2010 express win32. have basic design it, able show line numbers next textarea, see in text editors (i.e notepad++, sublime, etc.). code have textarea is:

hedit = createwindowex( ws_ex_clientedge, "edit", "", ws_child | ws_visible | ws_vscroll | ws_hscroll | es_multiline | es_autovscroll | es_autohscroll, 0, 0, 100, 100, hwnd, ( hmenu )idc_main_edit, getmodulehandle( null ), null );             if( hedit == null )                 messagebox( hwnd, "could not create edit box.", "error", mb_ok | mb_iconerror );              hfdefault = createfont( 0, 0, 0, 0, fw_normal, false, false, 0, ansi_charset, out_default_precis, clip_default_precis, default_quality, default_pitch, text( "consolas" ) );             sendmessage( hedit, wm_setfont, ( wparam )hfdefault, makelparam( false, 0 ) ); 

the "edit" control not have built in support line numbers (or else) in margin. create "edit" control beside first , put line numbers in one.


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