javascript - How to pause the news slider on mouse hover and play on mouse out.? -

<body> <ul id="ticker">     <li>         <p>innovation - power of 4s progress of auto industry stands on 4 basic pillars.</p>         <p>the s pillars , not overstatement combination thr illed auto-indutry.</p>     </li>     <li>         <p>innovation - power of 4s progress of auto industry stands on 4 basic pillars.</p>         <p>the s pillars , not overstatement combination thr illed auto-indutry.</p>      </li>     <li>         <p>innovation - power of 4s progress of auto industry stands on 4 basic pillars.</p>         <p>the s pillars , not overstatement combination thr illed auto-indutry.</p>     </li> </ul>   <script> function tick(){     $('#ticker li:first').slideup( function () { $(this).appendto($('#ticker')).slidedown(); }); } setinterval(function(){ tick () }, 2000); 

code simple news slider. how pause news slider on mouse hover , play on mouse out.?

assign setinterval variable, there's 1 interval object can reuse.

var interval_id = setinterval(...

on hover events, use clearinterval(interval_id) stop it, , reinstate on mouse leave/out.


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