ruby - Time is lost in frame control by watir -

i have performance problem in complex watir script. isolate part of code, , result :

# load browser , test page @browser = :chrome @browser.goto ("http://myurl")  # start inspect time of script puts "0 - start             : " +  # active frame frame = @browser.frame(:id => 'myframe0123') puts "1 - frame variable   : " +  puts frame.exists? puts "2 - getting frame src         : " +  # play => "playbutton").click # should fast puts "3 - clicking link in frame    : " +  puts frame.exists?                  # should instant puts "4 - getting frame src         : " +  # closing @browser.close 

the code open test page, detect frame, , click link in frame.

here result in firefox :

0 - start                       : 2013-10-07 15:41:40 +0200 1 - frame variable         : 2013-10-07 15:41:40 +0200 true 2 - getting frame src           : 2013-10-07 15:41:40 +0200 3 - clicking link in frame      : 2013-10-07 15:42:01 +0200 true 4 - getting frame src           : 2013-10-07 15:42:54 +0200 

the time lost :

  • between 2 , 3 : don't understand how click on link in frame take 20s ?
  • between 3 , 4 : how check of existence of fram take 50s ?

in chrome, whole script take less 10 seconds (as wish)

versions : ruby 1.9.3, watir-webdriver 0.6.4, firefox 21, 23, 24.

finally find why : in frame use, there image doesn't exist. firefox slow , wait domain respond, , why time lost.


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