c++ - Infix to Postfix conversion brackets error -

i've written code converts infix expression postfix expression. there 2 functions checking expression, 1 checking expression without brackets , other checking , converting expression brackets.

the function converts non-bracket expression works fine 1 converts brackets giving error.

when enter , expression (a+b)*(c-d) , correctly converts a+b , pushed * stack. somehow, program not recognize starting bracket of (c-d) bracket , continues converting normal (for without bracket). have no idea why not recognizing bracket, small problem ruining whole output.

can tell me why not recognize ( in (c-d) opening bracket? here's code:

class stack   {     .     .     .     void push(char value) //push value onto top of stack    {       if(isfull()==true) //only possible when stack not full         cout<<endl<<"sorry! stack full, no more entries allowed!"<<endl;       else //add value top of stack stack not empty       {         top++;         array[top]=value;         cout<<endl<<value<<" pushed onto stack!"<<endl;       }    }     char pop() //remove element top    {        if(isempty()==true) //if stack empty, nothing can popped         cout<<endl<<"sorry stack empty! nothing popped!"<<endl;        else // otherwise return element @ located @ top          {            return array[top--];            cout<<endl<<array[top]<<" popped"<<endl;          }    }     bool checkprecedence(char a, char b) // function check precedence of operators    {        int preca,precb;         switch(a) //assigning value precedence operator        {        case '+':         preca=1;         break;        case '-':         preca=1;         break;        case '*':         preca=2;         break;        case '/':         preca=2;         break;        case '^':         preca=3;         break;        case '(':         preca=0;         break;        }         switch(b)  //assigning value precedence operator        {        case '+':         precb=1;         break;        case '-':         precb=1;         break;        case '*':         precb=2;         break;        case '/':         precb=2;         break;        case '^':         precb=3;         break;        case '(':         precb=0;         break;        }         if (preca<precb) //comparing precedence         return false;        else if (preca>precb)         return true;        else if (preca==precb)         return true;    }     void checkexpression(char expr[]) //function convert expression without brackets    {        int i=0; //control character number of input        int j=0;  //control character number of output        int iter=0;  //keep track of iterations        int nostack=0; //to keep track of size of stack @ particular time        char ch=expr[i]; //taking first character input        char c;         nostack=top+1;          cout<<endl<<strlen(expr)<<endl; //displaying length of expression         while(i<strlen(expr)) //keep checking until whole expression not checked        {            iter++;            if((ch=='+' || ch=='-' || ch=='*' || ch=='/' || ch=='^') && (isempty()==true)) // if encounter operator , stack empty             {                  push(ch);  //push operator onto stack                  nostack++;                  cout<<endl<<retrieve_top();             }             if((nostack==1) && (iter==2)) //so single operator in stack not compared , added output            {             }             else if(ch=='+' || ch=='-' || ch=='*' || ch=='/' || ch=='^') //if encounter operator when stack contains operator            {              cout<<endl<<retrieve_top();              c=pop(); //pop element on top              nostack--;               if( checkprecedence(c,ch)== true) // , compare precedence of 2              {                outputstring[j]=c; //if top of stack has greater precedence, add output                j++;                cout<<endl<<c<<" added output";                push(ch); //and push other operator onto stack                nostack++;                if(nostack==2)                {                    c=pop();                    nostack--;                    outputstring[j]=c;                    j++;                }                cout<<endl<<retrieve_top()<<endl;              }               else //otherwise first push operator on stack on top , push other operator on top of              {                  push(c);                  nostack++;                  push(ch);                  nostack++;                   cout<<endl<<retrieve_top()<<endl;              }             }             else // otherwise, if operand encountered, add output             {                 cout<<endl<<ch<<" added output";                 outputstring[j]=ch;                 j++;             }           i++;           ch=expr[i]; //check next character expression        }         if( (isempty()==false) && (i==strlen(expr)) ) //if input has ended , stack still contains operators        {            while(isempty()!=true) //keep popping , adding them output until stack becomes empty            {                cout<<endl<<retrieve_top()<<endl;                c=pop();                nostack--;                cout<<endl<<retrieve_top();                cout<<endl<<c<<" added output";                outputstring[j]=c;                j++;            }        }    }     void checkbracedexpression(char expr[]) //function convert expression containing brackets    {         int i=0;   //control character number of input        int j=0;   //control character number of output        int iter=0;  //keep track of iterations        int nostack=0; //to keep track of size of stack @ particular time        char ch=expr[i];  //taking first character input        char c;         nostack=top+1;          cout<<endl<<strlen(expr)<<endl;         while(i<strlen(expr))        {            iter++;             if (ch=='(') //if encounter bracket            {                               {                     if (ch=='+' || ch=='-' || ch=='*' || ch=='/' || ch=='^'||ch=='(' ) //and character input operator, push on stack                     {                        push(ch);                       nostack++;                     }                    else  //otherwise, add output                    {                        outputstring[j]=ch;                         j++;                         cout<<endl<<ch<<" added output";                    }                  i++;                  ch=expr[i]; //check next character                }                while (ch!=')'); //keep checking until reach )                 if(ch==')')  //when reach )                {                    //keep popping elements until encounter ( in stack                    {                        c=pop();                        nostack--;                        if (c=='(') //if ( encountered, ignore                         {}                        else                        {                            outputstring[j]=c; //otherwise, add output                            j++;                            cout<<endl<<c<<" added output";                        }                     }                    while(c!='(');                }             }             else // otherwise, continue normal expression checking            {              if((ch=='+' || ch=='-' || ch=='*' || ch=='/' || ch=='^') && (isempty()==true))  // if encounter operator , stack empty             {                  push(ch);                  nostack++;             }             if((nostack==1) && (iter==2)) //so single operator in stack not compared , added output            {             }             else if(ch=='+' || ch=='-' || ch=='*' || ch=='/' || ch=='^')  //if encounter operator when stack contains operator            {              //cout<<endl<<retrieve_top();              c=pop();              nostack--;               if( checkprecedence(c,ch)== true)               {                  outputstring[j]=c;                  j++;                  cout<<endl<<c<<" added output";                  push(ch);                  nostack++;                 if(nostack==2)                  {                    c=pop();                    nostack--;                    outputstring[j]=c;                    j++;                  }                }                  else                 {                   push(c);                   nostack++;                   push(ch);                   nostack++;                 }             }             else            {             cout<<endl<<ch<<" added output";             outputstring[j]=ch;             j++;            }           i++;           ch=expr[i];        }            i++;          ch=expr[i];         if( (isempty()==false) && (i==strlen(expr)) )        {            while(isempty()!=true)            {                c=pop();                nostack--;                cout<<endl<<c<<" added output";                outputstring[j]=c;                j++;            }        }       } }     void displayoutputstring()    {         cout<<endl<<"output string: "<<outputstring<<endl;    }    .   .   .   };  int main() {     char expression[50];     stack object;     int option;      object.createstack();             {         cout<<endl<<"1.convert simple expression."<<endl<<"2.convert bracket expression."<<endl<<"3.exit"<<endl<<"your option:  ";         cin>>option;         cout<<endl;         switch(option)         {         case 1:           cout<<endl<<"enter expression (in infix): ";           cin.ignore();           cin>>expression;           object.checkexpression(expression);           object.displayoutputstring();            break;         case 2:           cout<<endl<<"enter expression (in infix): ";           cin.ignore();           cin>>expression;           object.checkbracedexpression(expression);           object.displayoutputstring();            break;         }     }     while (option!=3);       return 0;  } 

in checkbracedexpression(), after


can try below code?

i++; ch=expr[i]; //check next character continue; 

and see if works?


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