Expand tree view dynamically in asp.net C# -

i have values stored in list. populating tree view code:

foreach (datarow row in resultset.tables[0].rows) {     treenode newnode = new treenode();     newnode.text = row["folder_name"].tostring();     newnode.value = row["folder_code"].tostring() + "/1" + '@' + row["short_name"].tostring();     newnode.populateondemand = true;     // newnode.navigateurl = "displaynodebygreed.aspx?value=" + newnode.value + "";       newnode.imageurl = "~/images/foldersmall2.jpg";     treeview_parent_child.nodes.add(newnode); }  abc = (list<string>)session["submainlevel"]; 

in list of mine, have values stored such

1st position 2 2nd : 3 3rd : 3 

now need check value of of tree has been populated initial code , expand more according values of values have in list stated above. how can go it. using code got answer on stackoverflow. below code trying execute populate , make expanded accordingly.

foreach (treenode node in treeview_parent_child.nodes)     if (node.value.split('/')[0] == abc[a].split('/')[0])         expandmylitleboys(node, abc);  private void expandmylitleboys(treenode node, list<string> path) {     path.removeat(0);     node.expand();     if (path.count == 0)             return;      foreach (treenode mynode in node.childnodes)         if (mynode.text == path[0].split('/')[0])             expandmylitleboys(mynode, path); //recursive call     } 

please help. working on live project. please.


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