ruby on rails - ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/jquery.blockUI-49c048033e3dfb8cfab8eff7edbdc553.js"):" -

when run application nginx , passenger, not single css or js show me following error.

cache: [get /assets/application-403103e41ab40b92f00b841ac9afb23a.js] miss       started "/assets/application-403103e41ab40b92f00b841ac9afb23a.js" localhost @ 2013-10-07 10:48:13 +0530         actioncontroller::routingerror (no route matches [get] "/assets/application-403103e41ab40b92f00b841ac9afb23a.js"):      cache: [get /assets/jquery.blockui-49c048033e3dfb8cfab8eff7edbdc553.js] miss          started "/assets/jquery.blockui-49c048033e3dfb8cfab8eff7edbdc553.js" localhost @ 2013-10-07 10:48:18 +0530         actioncontroller::routingerror (no route matches [get] "/assets/jquery.blockui-49c048033e3dfb8cfab8eff7edbdc553.js"): 

in config/environments/production.rb

# code not reloaded between requests   config.cache_classes = true    # full error reports disabled , caching turned on   config.consider_all_requests_local       = false   config.action_controller.perform_caching = true    # disable rails's static asset server (apache or nginx this)   config.serve_static_assets = true    # compress javascripts , css   config.assets.compress = true    # don't fallback assets pipeline if precompiled asset missed   config.assets.compile = false    # generate digests assets urls   config.assets.digest = true 

in config/application.rb

config.assets.precompile << |path|     if path =~ /\.(css|js)\z/         full_path = rails.application.assets.resolve(path).to_path         app_assets_path = rails.root.join('app', 'assets').to_path         if full_path.starts_with? app_assets_path           puts "including asset: " + full_path           true         else           puts "excluding asset: " + full_path           false         end     else         false     end     end 

i have compiled every file separately requirement app, application.css , application.js file dont have manifest included. this files blank.

please help...


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