Ajax combobox with asp.net -

i'm using combobox ajaxcontroltoolkit in asp.net i'm filling combobox data database using sql data source, need add empty field in combobox in other words need add empty row datatable i'm using sql data source how can ?

 <%@ register assembly="ajaxcontroltoolkit" namespace="ajaxcontroltoolkit" tagprefix="asp" %>   <asp:combobox id="service_listt" runat="server" autopostback="true" datatextfield="cl_description" datavaluefield="cl_id" datasourceid="sqldatasource1" cssclass="redtypecomboboxstyle" >  </asp:combobox>   

please @ question:

dropdownlist appenddatabounditems (first item blank , no duplicates)

basically use appenddatadounditems property or use ondatabound event insert empty value


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