ruby - Unit tests stops half way when adding certain assertions -

i trying write unit testing ruby script. however, not working think should work, , tests, stops half way through unit test.

this method testing.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'ptools' require 'test/unit'  class inputvalidators     # checks whether input file exist.     def input_file_validator(input_file)         begin             raise argumenterror, "error: input file \"#{input_file}\" not exist. \n" unless file.exist?(input_file)             raise argumenterror, "error: input file empty. please correct , try again. \n" if             raise argumenterror, "error: input file in binary format - text based input files supported. \n" if file.binary?(input_file)         rescue exception => e             puts # empty line             puts e.message             puts # empty line             process.exit(true)         end     end end  class unittests < test::unit::testcase     def test_input_file_validator_1         test_validators =             assert_equal(nil, test_validators.input_file_validator("./test_inputs/genetic.fna")) #file present             assert_raise( systemexit ) {test_validators.input_file_validator("./test_inputs/missing_input.fna")} # file doesn't exist #           assert_equal(nil, test_validators.input_file_validator("./test_inputs/empty_file.fna")) # empty file #           assert_equal(nil, test_validators.input_file_validator("./test_inputs/binary_file.fna")) # binary file     end end 

now, if leave script above, unit test work perfectly...

current output:

run options:   # running tests:  [1/1] unittests#test_input_file_validator_1  error: input file "./test_inputs/missing_input.fna" not exist.   finished tests in 0.004222s, 236.8797 tests/s, 473.7593 assertions/s. 1 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips  ruby -v: ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-linux] 

however, if uncomment 1 of other asserts, unit test stops , doesn't complete.

output (when uncommenting 1 or both of assertions in above script):

run options:   # running tests:  [1/1] unittests#test_input_file_validator_1 error: input file "./test_inputs/missing_input.fna" not exist.    error: input file empty. please correct , try again.  

i have no idea doing wrong on appreciated. let me know if need more info.

well, if run exit , not rescuing exception, process stops running.

i guess assert_raise capture error or other magic complete process. running at_exit hooks might of magic tricks.

despite this, it's considered bad practice use exceptions workflows. not recommend raising error , catching exit process. use abort message.


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