c# - Can't add picture into database -

i'm trying following things:

  1. add new picture database (into column named "picprofile").
  2. copy path/location textbox (named image_path_txt). in addition, can add record other fields except image.

can tell me doing wrong?

private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)  {         byte[] imagebt = null;      filestream fstream = new filestream(this.image_path_txt.text, filemode.open, fileaccess.read);        binaryreader br = new binaryreader(fstream);      imagebt = br.readbytes((int)fstream.length);      string constring = "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=amg135468lns";      string query = "insert db.newuser (fname,lname,age,gender,phone_no, mobile_no,city, street, street_no,email,idnewuser,picprofile)"+ "values('" + this.fname_txt.text + "','" + this.lname_txt.text + "','"+this.age_txt.text+"','"+this.gender+"','" + this.phone_txt.text + "','" + this.mobile_txt.text + "','" + this.city_txt.text + "','" + this.street_txt.text + "','" + this.streetno_txt.text + "','" + this.email_txt + "','"+this.user_no_txt.text+"',@picp);";         mysqlconnection condatabase = new mysqlconnection(constring);      mysqlcommand cmddatabase = new mysqlcommand(query,condatabase);      mysqldatareader myreader;       try      {          condatabase.open();          cmddatabase.parameters.add(new mysqlparameter("@picp", imagebt));           myreader = cmddatabase.executereader();          messagebox.show("saved");          while (myreader.read())          {           }       }      catch (exception ex)      {          messagebox.show(ex.message);      }  } 

empty path name not legal.

if that's error; it's pretty self-explanatory. you're providing empty path. or, in other words, text of this.image_path_txt empty.

wow. let's start why can't add database. can't issue executereader against insert statement. so, instead of:

myreader = cmddatabase.executereader(); messagebox.show("saved"); while (myreader.read()) {  } 

just this:


also, instead of of this:

byte[] imagebt = null;  filestream fstream = new filestream(     this.image_path_txt.text,     filemode.open,     fileaccess.read);   binaryreader br = new binaryreader(fstream); imagebt = br.readbytes((int)fstream.length); 

just this:

byte[] imagebt = file.readallbytes(this.image_path_txt.text); 

next, let's move on resource management. need leverage using statement here:

using (mysqlconnection condatabase = new mysqlconnection(constring)) using (mysqlcommand cmddatabase = new mysqlcommand(query,condatabase)) {     // add parameters      // execute statement } 

next, let's move on sql injection attacks. right you're building query that's wide open sql injection because it's not parameterized. should read this:

insert tbl (field1, field2, field3) values (@field1, @field2, @field3) 

and when add parameters, this:

cmddatabase.parameters.addwithvalue("@field1", txtfield1.text); cmddatabase.parameters.addwithvalue("@field2", txtfield2.text); cmddatabase.parameters.addwithvalue("@field3", imagebt); 


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